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Our Product

Product | Solutions | Services

I) Benovymed Digital Health Technology Platform 

ii) Benovymed Digital Health Technology Platform: Chronic Diseases ( NCD) Disease Management

World’s 1st Most Comprehensive Integrated Care Platform for COVID-19 & Chronic Disease Management &Control 

Our Game Changer Disruptive Innovative Technology Products | Services | Novel Clinical end to end Solutions are SaaS Cloud Highly Scalable  World's 1st Most Impactful Digital Technology Platform driven by Digital Health, AI Health & Telemedicine are in

​Our Game-changer Technologies Products | Services | Novel Solutions during COVID-19 Pandemic and during Future COVID-19 Like Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Fight against

 In Top 5 Chronic Disease of Top 20 Cancer  |  Diabetes  |  COPD  |  Mental Health  |  Heart Disease













Prevention  | Early Detection |  Diagnosis  |  Complete Disease Management & Control 




We have already developed Future Digital Technology Hospital which is a "Smart Digital Virtual Hospital" Highly scalable, highly sustainable growth world's 1st most Comprehensive multidisciplinary AI Health Platform in our Phase1  development with currently developed 21  ( out of our 400 POC for our disruptive Innovative Products & Solutions developed by our Founder & CEO)  disruptive, Innovative, Science and Technology Products, Novel Solutions to be launched after this funding in 30 countries strategically globally including India (B2C, B2B2C, B2B Revenue Models) in Prevention, early detection, Diagnosis & Disease Management in a Trillion Dollar AI Health Global Market fastest growing Market at CAGR 61.3% annually 2020-28 with no supply & high growing demand globally & within 

Few Trillion Dollar of Top 5 Chronic Diseases growing at more than 51.4 % Annually including in Top 20 Cancer Disease & Fight against COVID-19.

With the end-user final delivery through the

Web, Mobile App & outside App Application to Impact the Lives of Billions of People for accessible affordable Quality Health to all & Benefits to all Stakeholders including Govt in Public Health, Govt and Private Hospitals Chains, Pharma co, Insurance Co & Direct Consumer Globally including India.



Benovymed Healthcare has developed the Game-Changer Digital Technologies Novel Clinical Solutions Products & Medical Services as the World’s 1st Most Comprehensive Integrated Care Highly Scalable Robust Technologies SaaS Platform | Digital Virtual Hospitals for a Multistage Multidisciplinary Journey of Diseases Management right from Prevention to Early Detection- Dr Consultation-Diagnosis-Treatment with end to end Complete Diseases Management & Control in the areas of Public Health & Private Health Business Models in the areas of Women’s Health, Chronic Diseases of Diabetes | COPD | Cancer | Heart | Mental Health the Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and COVID-19 Like Emerging Remerging Diseases Management Readiness Preparedness Pandemic Management & Capacity Building & Management ( with its own Proprietary under Patented Digital Technologies Novel Clinical Solutions by Revolutionizing the True Power of Digital Health, AI Health, Telemedicine & Next-Gen MedTech through their Multifaceted Billion $ Domain Expertise in Varied Healthcare Technologies) Powered by : Benovymed Global R&D and AI Health Innovation Lab.

Diseases in a Holistic and Hybrid Approach for Diseases Prevention | Early Detection | Dr Appointment Consultation | Diagnosis | Treatment and end to end Complete Diseases Management in 24x7x365 to benefiting & Impacting the Lives of Billions of People & to all stakeholders globally.


We have already developed Future Digital Technology Hospital which is a "Smart Digital Virtual Hospital" Highly scalable, highly sustainable growth world's 1st most Comprehensive multidisciplinary AI Health Platform in our Phase1  development with currently developed 21  ( out of our 400 POC for our disruptive Innovative Products & Solutions developed by our Founder & CEO)  disruptive, Innovative, Science and Technology Products, Novel Solutions to be launched after this funding in 30 countries strategically globally including India (B2C, B2B2C, B2B Revenue Models) in Prevention, early detection, Diagnosis & Disease Management in a Trillion Dollar AI Health Global Market fastest growing Market at CAGR 61.3% annually 2020-28 with no supply & high growing demand globally & within 

Few Trillion Dollar of Top 5 Chronic Diseases growing at more than 51.4 % Annually including in Top 20 Cancer Disease & Women’s Health.

With the end-user final delivery through the

Web, Mobile App & outside App Application to Impact the Lives of Billions of People for accessible affordable Quality Health to all & Benefits to all Stakeholders including Govt in Public Health, Govt and Private Hospitals Chains, Pharma co, Insurance Co & Direct consumers globally including India.



Once the Hospitals & Speciality Clinics across the World Join Hands and Collaborate Partner for their Hospitals & Speciality Clinics to Upgrade, Convert and Integrate with the above Benovymed Digital Technologies SaaS Platform, they will be said a True and Complete SmartTech Hospitals & SmartTech Speciality Clinics.

Then only they will be Part of Benovymed SmartTech Hospitals & SmartTech Speciality Clinics Global Network.


Till then, none of the Hospitals across the world are said to be truly and completely SmartTech hospitals & SmartTech speciality clinics to benefits the lives of Billions of people Globally including India and benefits to all stakeholders including govt, MOH, Hospitals across the world.


Benovymed Healthcare Just One App for 1000s of Complex Problem Solving in disease management, Prevention to complete diseases management NCD, CD and Women’s Health,

Just in a Click Just with One Benovymed App.


Today, People across the World are fed-up Frustrated with Downloading 1000s of App from different Vendors for their various Healthcare problems.












Our Business Model​































































































Our  Disruptive Innovative Novel Personalised Health Solutions | Products | Services

​are built and driven by our strong domain expertise in

Providing complete Innovative Health Solutions, Healthcare Business Management, R&D, Medical Science with medical Triage System &

Robust Next-Generation Technology in 

Digital Health  |  AI Health & Telemedicine Innovation

with Unbiased  Powerful clinical Decisions |  Scientific Evidence-Based |  Actionable Scientific data-driven  | Clinically Proven  |

Personalised Clinical Solutions 


Accessible & Affordable Quality Health to all


the Highest Treatment Outcome | Quality Health Delivery |

Patient Safety  |  Efficacy & Reliability

Empowering Doctors & Patients

Adding Huge Values in the Life of

Billions of People & Patient |  Doctor  |  Hospital |  Government  |             


all Stakeholders Globally

Our Novel Solutions Highly Scalable Digital Health Platform in solving the most complex problems and the biggest challenges in Chronic Disease of

Cancer | COPD | Diabetes | Heart | Mental Health

(Non-Communicable Disease)

as follows:



  1.  Accessible & Affordable Health to all along with:-

  2. Improved  & highest Treatment Outcomes.

  3. Treatment with High efficacy, Patient Safety, accountability & Reliability.

  4. Quality Health delivery.

  5. Preventing, Reducing & Controlling completely the Topmost Deadly Chronic disease of Cancer | Diabetes | Heart | Mental Health | COPD.

  6. Empowering the multidisciplinary team of doctors & staff | hospital | government and to the patient with the most Powerful Artificial Intelligent decision-making Tools.

  7. Empower with most powerful Artificial Intelligence Tools to Billions of Populations globally for Prevention of their Health in a Topmost deadly disease of Cancer | Diabetes | Heart | Mental Health | COPD with our Artificial Intelligence-driven actionable patient Data-driven Novel Solutions Platform. Highest Patient Satisfaction and better tools to their family members.

  8. Empowering and Assisting the Multidisciplinary Team of Oncologist Doctor with most powerful Artificial Intelligence-driven actionable data-driven Tools in all steps of treatment decision making from the time of Patient registered throughout and during the entire patient survival till the end of patient life to achieve their desired patient results & Quality Health delivery, Treatment satisfaction, Various Treatment stage-related goals.

  9. We support for How to improve Patient practice, Productivity, throughput, medical business growth, Profitability, Remote Patient Monitoring & Patient Satisfaction.

  10. Removing the gap of numbers of Patient and super specialty Board Qualified Doctor ratio. Currently, the patient-Oncologist Doctor gap or the Ratio is  5000:1 in India. The gap is Increasing rapidly in multifold annually.

  11. Real-time Patient Health conditions Predictions monitoring and control, Chronic Patients | Cancer patient Life-death predictions at various clinical verticals and various clinical horizontal, Cancer Treatment planning during survival to end of life & Quality Health delivery commitment and Disease management.

  12. Increasing the Chronic Disease Patients |  Cancer Patient Quality of Life & Increasing Patient Life expectancy.

  13. Reducing the growing rate of Patient's Hospital readmissions & Emergency Deptt Visits and reducing the rapidly growing rate of Mortality & morbidity.

  14. Solving the problems of exponentially increasing numbers of hospital beds.

  15. In multifold increasing Treatment efficiency & productivity of Doctor practice, Sustainable High Revenue Growth of 200% annually, High profitability, Huge benefits to Doctors-Hospitals and to all stakeholders & reducing overall losses drastically annually.

  16. Reducing Abuse, Reducing Fraud, Reducing Medical Error & Human error drastically.

  17. Many more benefits beyond the scope of mentioning here.

Benovymed addressable disease market

Health Plan

Comprehensive Health Plan



Employee & Family Benefits


B2B & B2B2C SaaS Model

Health Plan

Comprehensive Health Plan



Universal Health to all 


Individual & Family Benefits


B2B & B2B2C SaaS Model

Hospital | Clinic |
Pharma Co
Insurance Co |
Large Communities
Health Plan

Comprehensive Health Plan


Patient Benefits


To Hospital | Clinics |Dr | Pharma Co | Insurance Co | Large Communities Benefits


B2B & B2B2C SaaS Model

Direct Consumer
Health Plan

Comprehensive Health Plans


Individual & Family Benefits


B2C SaaS Model

& Pay Per Use Model


Our Product | Solutions | Services

Functional Areas


Prevention & Control


Early detection


Treatment Planning





Disease Management

Cancer Types

Breast Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Ovary Cancer

Oral Cancer

Lung Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

Oshophagus Cancer

Stomach Cancer

Blood Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Skin Cancer


Our Product | Solution | Service :

Prevention of Cancer in Public Health.

Cancer Patients ( New & existing Patients) of all Cancer types and 

all stages ( Initial stage to the Final Stage of survival to the end of life ).


Our Product | Solutions | Services

Functional Areas


Prevention & Control


Early detection


Treatment Planning



Disease Management

Diabetes Types

Diabetes Type-1

Diabetes Type-2


Our Product | Solution | Service :


Prevention of Diabetes in Public Health.

Diabetes Patients ( New & existing Patients )

Patient (Initial stage to the Final Stage of survival to the end of life).


Our Product | Solutions | Services

Functional Areas


Prevention & Control


Early detection


Treatment Planning



Disease Management

All COPD disease type affected due to 

Air Pollution.

Genetic / Family  Reasons.

Environmental, Chemical, Industrial Reasons.

Our Product | Solution | Service :


Prevention of COPD  in Public Health.

COPD Patients ( New & existing Patients )

(Initial stage to the Final Stage of survival to the end of life).

Mental Health

Our Product | Solutions | Services

Functional Areas


Prevention & Control


Early detection


Treatment Planning



Disease Management

Mental Health

Our Product | Solution | Services:


Prevention of Neuro / Mental Problem in Public Health.

Mental Health Patients ( New & existing Patients )

Patient (Initial stage to the Final Stage of survival to the end of life).

Heart Disease

Our Product | Solutions | Services

Functional Areas


Prevention & Control


Early detection


Treatment Planning



Disease Management

All Heart disease Types

Our Product | Solution | Service:


Prevention of Heart Disease in Public Health.

Heart disease Patients ( New & existing Patients ) all Heart disease types and all stages.

Patient (Initial stage to the Final Stage of survival to the end of life).

Today, nearly more than 65 % of all world's populations live with one or more chronic diseases.

The Impact of these illnesses just only in the US as a Nation's Health and prosperity is startling, and the US Government is currently considering proposals to better prevent and manage disease in order to save lives and money.

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